Innercise Yoga & Yogic Dances
Learn the traditional yogic body postures and yogic dances, which helps you to develop yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.
Learn the traditional yogic body postures called asanas. The practice of asanas places pressure on the endocrine glands, and this results in the regulation of hormones secreted from those glands. The hormones affect the emotions, and the resultant emotional balance facilitates concentration and meditation. So asanas help prepare the mind for meditation.
Yogic dance (for women) Kaos’ikii develops the subtler layers of mind, cultivating the feeling of mysticism – the endeavour to establish a link between the finite and the infinite – in one’s consciousness. It instils self-confidence and encourages self-expression. It is a total body exercise, and a medicine in itself. It prolongs the lifespan, keeping the body youthful, strengthens the leg joints, increases flexibility and endurance, prevents and cures disease (including many types of liver diseases) and eases the pain of menstruation and childbirth, enabling easy delivery.
Yogic dance (for men) Tandava was introduced by the great yogi, Shiva. Tandava comes from the word tandu which means “to jump”. It is a vigorous dance for men with physico-psycho- spiritual benefits. Women should not do it because it is not physically suited for them and stimulates male hormones, e.g. related to growth of facial hair. Tandava combines the subtle aspects of spirituality and vitality. Courage, fearlessness and will-power are its benefits. Tandava also exercises the brain physically and improves memory.
All levels are welcome!