
Meditative Art-Making for Wellbeing workshop by Ananda Marga nun, Didi Anandananda
With: Didi Ananda Nanda from the Ananda Marga Meditation Charity Description: Create free-flowing watercolour paintings with colours that calm you and colours that lift and energise you. and/or Bring natural objects indoors and create an image that reflects or symbolises a personal or seasonal theme. Event date/time: 14th  September 2024 Free-Flowing Watercolour 9.30am-11.45am Natural Objects Indoors 12.45pm-3.00pm Costs: One morning - £20 / One afternoon - £20 / One day - £35
Open Mic Night
Express yourself through subtle music, songs, dance, art and poetry. Last Saturday of every month.
Meditative Painting Workshop
Revitalise yourself with stress-free, free-flowing, watercolour painting. Enjoy colour that can calm you and colour that can lift and energise you. Many people do not attempt painting because they cannot achieve the high expectations they put on themselves. However, just to watch colour flowing over paper can be an inspiring experience. In the workshop we will creatively play with free-flowing colours that are calming and energising, and with positive ideation, our spirits will be lifted [...]
Meditative Watercolour Painting Workshop – Day 2
Day 2 of this 2-Day workshop Free-flowing watercolour painting is an area of art that is enjoyable with no pressure of expectations. It is stress-free painting with colours that can make you calm and colours that can lift and energise you. This is a two day event, held on consecutive Sundays in October. After you register, you will receive further details of the course.  
Meditative Watercolour Painting Workshop
Free-flowing watercolour painting is an area of art that is enjoyable with no pressure of expectations. It is stress-free painting with colours that can make you calm and colours that can lift and energise you. This is a two day event, held on consecutive Sundays in October. After you register, you will receive further details of the course.  
Humanity is One and Indivisible
Though separated by many countries, many states, many religions, many communities or by many languages, the human race is an indivisible entity. Every human mind is but the diversified individual manifestation of that same indivisible Cosmic Mind. Today we look forward to the advent of that artist, that writer, who will convey this truth to the hearts of humanity in a still sweeter language, still more strongly and deeply. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti