
Weekend Mini-Retreat
Re-energise your meditation practice and spend time with like-minded people at our mini-retreat  in London. We will gather together for kirtan, meditation and talks on yoga. Home made vegetarian and vegan food will be provided, as well as a place to sleep for those who need it. Our retreat will start on Saturday morning and finish at lunchtime on Sunday. Note: due to the current social distancing restrictions in the UK, all events on the [...]
Ascribe Brahma-hood to All
The life of all other [beings] is for material enjoyment, but human life is for higher pursuits, for something subtle, something higher, something more elevated. There are certain propensities which are common both for human beings and animals, but the old idea of logicians that the human is a rational [animal] is not supported by us. We say the human is not a rational animal. If we say the human is a rational animal, then [...]
Open Meditation Class
Learn to identify yourself with your divine nature Open class for anyone wishing to learn and experience a little more about meditation
The Big Picture of Yoga – Spiritual Philosphy Class and Practise
Spiritual philosphy class and discussion on a different aspect of Tantra yoga philophy each month:- Jan 16th - The Mind and Meditation Feb 13th - Empowering Yourself March 13th - Mantra and Tantra April 10th - Food for Consciousness May 15th - Healthy Habits for Humans June 12th - The Nature and Purpose of Human Life
How can I find the time and focus to sit in meditation? Part One
Ah yes, so we’ve gotten to a point where you think: “Yes, meditation is good for me. But when I try to sit for meditation, my mind is all over the place, or my body doesn’t want to stay in one place.” Well, can’t you just order your mind and body to cooperate? Easier said than done, and this lack of ‘cooperation’ from your self is part of the reason we need meditation. The good [...]
How can I find the time and focus to sit in meditation? Part Two: Yogic Exercise
While I teach meditation to help people find mental peace and spiritual fulfilment, meditators shouldn’t forget about physical health. In the last blog I talked of how food is essential for spiritual progress. Certain foods, I noted, encourage mental harmony, as well as giving us physical health. Here I’ll talk of how the right exercise can help our “innercise.” Exercise is working with our body to achieve a good level of health.  Our “innercise” is [...]
Why do I want to learn to meditate?
“Why do you want to learn meditation?” I often ask this of my students, before teaching them a formal meditation practice, which includes their personal mantra. And over the years I’ve gotten quite a variety of responses. I find almost any reason is good. Well, almost every reason. Years ago in Israel I met a young man from the Philippines, and as we sat in a quiet room, preparing for his personal initiation into meditation, [...]
London Dharmacakra (and online via Zoom)
Weekly Dharmacakra (Group meditation and chanting) - open to all those practising Ananda Marga meditation, and guests on request. Please contact us for zoom details
Meditation: Be all You Can Be
A few years ago I wanted to buy one domain name. I knew with this domain, anyone who wanted to feel good, even perhaps anyone who wanted anything at all, would visit the website. Of course the domain name was taken already. Wonder what it was? Amazon? Nah. Google? No way. E-Bay. Hardly. The domain name I was looking for was: After all, why do we do anything, and everything? Because there’s something for me, [...]